MTC unveils new tower

Home National MTC unveils new tower

By George Sanzila

KAPANI – Kapani residents, some 80 kilometres west of Katima Mulilo in Linyanti Constituency in Zambezi, have benefited from Mobile TeleCommunication (MTC) network infrastructural upgrade programme when a MTC tower was unveilled in the area.

The new network infrastructure could  boost network coverage in the area which experiences a weak communication signal due to its  radius of over 30 kilometres between Chincimane and Sangwali.

Kapani depended on MTC towers erected in Chinchimane and Sangwali resulting in a weak signal.

Speaking at the launch, the MTC manager for commercial distribution, Benjamin Jacobs, noted that this development was as a result of a collective effort between MTC and the regional council.

“These plans form part of the MTC’s network and infrastructural development programme set up by MTC and regional governments following months of high-level consultations. We have availed N$12 million for network infrastructural improvements and upgrades,” stated Jacobs.

According to Jacobs regional governments themselves identified and prioritised areas that needed the network infrastructure.

“Regional governments were instrumental in identifying the geographical areas of the 14 regions that needed new towers. The uniqueness of this approach is that we have given regional governments ownership of their own development in line with national development goals,” further stated Jacobs.

 Jacobs who reiterated MTC’s commitment towards ICT development stated the giant telecommunication company is looking at addressing the digital divide that exists between urban and rural areas.

“Mobile phones have redefined our society with services such as mobile banking and payment solutions at our fingertips on our mobile phones. We at MTC continue to invest in infrastructure upgrades to improve both our communities and economy. For many years, the focus of ICT development has largely been concentrated in urban areas, we have therefore heeded the call of taking it to rural areas as well,” stated the MTC manager for commercial ditribution.

The Deputy Minister of information and Communication Technology (MICT), Stanley Simataa, who officially inaugurated the tower stated that inasmuch as government was committed to bringing development to people, patience was imperative due to the vastness of the country. “Development cannot be achieved in a day but is a process that takes time to achieve. As the government we have taken a decision to make sure that development gets to each and every corner of Namibia. The next tower that will be built here in the next financial year will be in Masokotwane,” elaborated the deputy MICT minister.

Simataa was, however, concerned with the abuse of the Internet particularly among young people, cautioning those who engage in immoral activities on the Internet to desist from such tendencies. “Internet should not be used for immoral things. It should be used for school related projects. Don’t abuse the technology provided to you, use it for constructive things,” he urged youth.