
Mumbala vies for second term as Swapo coordinator

Home International Mumbala vies for second term as Swapo coordinator

Matheus Hamutenya

Keetmanshoop-Swapo Party’s regional coordinator for //Kharas Region, Matheus Mumbala, seems to have kicked off his campaign to get a second term as the head of Swapo in the southern region.

Mumbala’s term as regional coordinator comes to end in July and he says he is ready to lead for another term, but was quick to add that the decision is not in his hands, as only Swapo members can decide who they want as their regional leader for the next term.

“If it is the wish of the people of the region, if they are happy with me, it is fine, I will continue… I’m available to continue with the party work,” he said when asked if he intends to continue as regional coordinator.

He spoke to New Era on his journey as Swapo’s regional head, describing it as a path that was never easy. There is some speculation that he is tipped to be appointed as the next governor of //Kharas, speculation that Mumbala declined to comment on, saying it is not up to him to appoint or elect himself to any position.

He contends that ascension to any position within the party depends on the party structures and the members that decide who they want.

“I’m happy where I am and it is not up to me to say I want to be there or where. That is in the hands of the comrades and the people. In Swapo we don’t appoint ourselves and we are not appointed, we are elected.”

Mumbala, who was elected to his current position in 2012, said there were challenges that the party faced, which included financial constraints and the vastness of the region that made it difficult to reach all corners, as there were no party vehicles at the time. His achievements during his tenure as regional Swapo Party coordinator include increasing the number of Swapo councillors in Keetmanshoop Municipal Council. He is proud that for the first time since 1992 five of the seven councillors at the municipality are Swapo members.

“This was one of the successes and this did not happen because of a one-man show, but because of collective leadership. I tried my best to unite all the suburbs in Keetmanshoop,” he said.