Murder suspect a no-show in court

Home Crime and Courts Murder suspect a no-show in court


A suspect in a murder case failed to show up in court on Monday, reportedly due to an accident he was involved in. Homateni Michael, who stands accused of murder, was said to have had an accident and was therfore unable to make it to Katutura Magistrate’s Court for his hearing.

Magistrate Alexis Diergaardt informed the court that the accused had a tendency of not showing up at court for various reasons on multiple occasions. However, defence attorney Masse Tjituri said his client had been involved in a car accident. “We will provide a medical certificate to the court,” he said.

Even with Tjituri’s explanation about his client’s whereabouts, Diergaardt was not amused and said the accused was in the habit of conveniently failing to show up for court hearings and warned the defence attorney that if his client does not show up for the next trail date, she would issue a warrant of arrest against him.

It is alleged that seven years ago Michael strangled his girlfriend to death. According to the police report, Jacobina Seblon died on October 15, 2007 at the hands of the accused at their home in Havana, Katutura in Windhoek. It is alleged Michael strangled the deceased with the direct intention to kill her on the day in question.

He however pleaded not guilty and said that on the day in question he left for work with the knowledge that his girlfriend was alive, well and fine and that he could not be held accountable for what happened after he left house that morning at 07h00.

Michael was granted bail of N$1 000 on October 23, 2009, but failed to show up on multiple occasions whereafter warrant of arrest was issued against him. Magistrate Diergaardt this week postponed his case to February 15, 2017. Samantha Diergaardt represented the State.