
Mushelenga threatens to suspend entire Rundu Town Council

Home Front Page News Mushelenga threatens to suspend entire Rundu Town Council

RUNDU – Minister of Urban and Rural Development Peya Mushelenga has threatened to suspend the entire Rundu Town Council if its management committee is not complete by 7 June.

Mushelenga stated this in a letter dated 15 May 2019, addressed to Mayor Isak Kandingu and Kavango East Governor Samuel Mbambo. 

“It has come to my attention that the Rundu Town Council has been functioning and operating without a fully constituted management committee as required by Section 21 of the Local Authorities Act of 1992 as amended,” he said.

The minister said that as a consequence, the council cannot fully execute the powers, duties and functions conferred upon it by the Act, also compromising efficient service delivery to the inhabitants of Rundu.

“This situation cannot be allowed to continue as it is not in the public interest,” he stressed in the letter seen by this agency.
Mushelenga said as minister for local authorities in the country, it is his duty and responsibility to ensure that local authorities execute their mandates as provided by law.

“Where they fail to do so, I have an obligation to take appropriate remedial action,” he noted.

In terms of Article 40 (k) of the Namibian Constitution, he directed councillors of the town council to do everything lawfully possible to complete the council’s management committee.

The minister asked the mayor to submit a report in this regard to him by the deadline.

He pointed out that as elected councillors in whom the electorate placed confidence and trust, the councillors should be able to resolve the present impasse amicably.

“Failure to comply with the directive outlined will leave me with no other option than to invoke the provisions of Section 92 of the Local Authorities Act,” he said.

The swearing-in of the third member of the Rundu Town Council’s management committee failed to take place here early this month after those earmarked for the position failed to show up.

The third slot was expected to be filled by either former mayor Verna Sinimbo, former deputy mayor Ralf Ihemba (both Swapo) or Reginald Ndara from the Rundu Concerned Citizens Association.

However, Ihemba and Sinimbo both did not show up for that ceremony.

The management committee only has two members currently – chairperson Anastacia Antonio and member Mathew Wakudumo of the All People’s Party. – Nampa