
Mutota, the six-year-old motivational speaker

Home Youth Corner Mutota, the six-year-old motivational speaker
Mutota, the six-year-old motivational speaker

At just six years old, Christmas Mutota is challenging expectations with his inspirational messages. 

Affectionately known as Dr Mutota for his aspirations to become a medical doctor, he regularly shares insights on the importance of resilience and determination.

Despite his tender age, Mutota has already embraced the responsibilities of his role, delivering speeches which resonate with audiences of all ages.

His motivational speaking journey began when he discovered his natural ability to speak in front of large crowds, drawing inspiration from the positive impact he could make through his words.

“When school closed last year, I had a speech a day after playing in a drama. I was not really prepared for a speech, as I concentrated more on the drama. But when I delivered the speech, I got positive feedback, and that boosted my confidence,” he told Youth Corner.

The second-grader is part of a host of young people who will be gracing the stage at the MTC Teen Inspirational Summit at the IUM campus at the end of the month, and encouraged his fellow youth to come and get motivated.

“The speech I will be delivering at the MTC summit will leave people talking, and I hope that everyone will leave the summit informed and educated,” he enthused.

He added that his school is his support system – from the principal to his classmates. They like what he is doing, and most of his classmates are inspired by his work.

His father also plays a huge role in his motivational-speaking journey.

In an interview with Youth Corner, Jacob Mutota said all he does is prepare Christmas for an event that he is invited to attend. “If he has to make a speech, I allow him to write it, and then give it to me to edit it for him,” he explained.

“I used to write his speeches for him, but with time, I taught him how to write. His writing has improved, and I’m so proud of him.” 

Jacob further said it is rare to find a six-year-old child being a motivational speaker, and to stand and speak in front of a crowd. “My son stammers a lot when he speaks, just like his mother. We always make fun of him at home. Like mother, like son, and everyone laughs as a family,” he added.

Jacob said Christmas started playing in Christmas dramas when he was three years old, and then started singing, and that is when he realised how good he was at what he does.

Jacob would like his son to be taken on as an ambassador of a brand, or probably in a marketing role because he is good at pulling attention.

– priscillamukokobi@gmail.com