Mysterious fire leaves family destitute…in need of aid

Home National Mysterious fire leaves family destitute…in need of aid

KATIMA MULILO – A family of six who lost all their belongings in a mysterious fire in Dairy compound in Katima Mulilo which gutted their shack, is pleading for humanitarian assistance as they have no place to sleep nor food to eat.

The unfortunate fire incident occurred late on Thursday afternoon.

House owner Namvula Susano and her family do not know where their next meal will come from. 

The unemployed mother is a street vendor, who sells fresh tomatoes around Katima Mulilo to make ends meet for her family.

She said she is in desperate need of any humanitarian aid, as she has six people under her care. 

“We don’t know the cause of the fire. There was no one at home when the fire started. The neighbours only saw a fire, and it spread so fast and burned the whole house to ashes. We don’t have electricity,
nor do we have gas stoves. 

We only use solar panels to light our house. So, we are wondering where and how the fire started. We are left with nothing; except
 the clothes we were wearing when the incident happened. We are sleeping in the open with no food. We need help, and I have children who go to school,” Susano

According to her sister Cynthia Munembo, the neighbours tried to put out the fire, but failed as it was too strong and spread fast.

Sadly, Munembo said by the time the fire brigade team arrived at the scene, it was too late to save anything.

The Katima Mulilo Town Council has since come to their rescue, and provided a sleeping tent. 

“All the food burned inside. We have nothing to eat. My daughter lost her money [about N$7 000], which she was supposed to go and pay for her exams at the Welwitschia Training Centre. The exams started on Monday, but she couldn’t write anymore. We are thankful to the school because they understood our situation. They said she could sit for her exams next month to give her time to recover. She lost her uniforms and books. We need financial assistance so that she can pay before her exams next month,” the desperate mother appealed. 

Susano her 11-year-old daughter, who is in grade five, has also been left in the open. She, too, lost her school uniform and books. 

“We are thankful to the town council for coming to our rescue. They gave us a tent to sleep in. They also came this morning [yesterday] to do an assessment, and promised to provide food items for us. We are waiting for them. We are now pleading with any good Samaritan to assist us – in cash or in kind – so that we can start our lives all over. It is difficult for us, as I am unemployed,” she begged.

Anyone willing to offer humanitarian assistance may contact Susano on 0817654476.

Katima Mulilo Town Council spokesperson Ipuleni Kafe confirmed that they assisted the affected family with a tent to sleep in.

“If things go well, we will go through procurement to see if we can get them basic needs such as food and bedding. However, any good Samaritan out there willing to assist the family is welcome. They can approach the family directly, or contact our community service department for any assistance they wish to render,” Kafe added.