
Mystery predator  kills goats

Home National Mystery predator  kills goats
Mystery predator   kills goats

ONGWEDIVA – A communal farmer from Otuwala village in Oshana region who lost several goats to an unknown predator, could not believe it after seeing her goats bleeding non-stop.

According to the owner of the goats Olga Sevestus, 12 of her goats were attacked, five of them and a dog died while seven were bleeding, with holes in their heads.

She said the seven that survived, might die soon, as they were also weak at the time.

‘’I don’t know what happened to my goats. When I woke up Monday morning, I saw some funny, scary animal prints that led me to my kraal, just to find some of my goats running around the kraal, bleeding while some lying down in a pool of blood,” she said.

Sevestus said she really cannot tell what happened to her goats.

She further said it is the first time she is experiencing something of this nature.

“I am not sure if this is the first time it is happening in this village since I am new here. Also for today, it was only my goats that were killed,’’ she added.

The Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism spokesperson Romeo Muyunda said the ministry only pays compensation based on specific wildlife, hence in this case it is challenging to claim responsibility as there is no concrete evidence. 

 “For instance, this could be a dog, thus a dog is a domestic animal and it is not part of our compensation policy. Therefore, we are extremely careful on how we treat such cases. In the same vein, I would like to appeal to the community to assist us in reporting timely in the event they spot such similar animals so that we can investigate,” said Muyunda.