
N$99.95 shoes cost N$500 in fine

Home Crime and Courts N$99.95 shoes cost N$500 in fine

WINDHOEK – Matheus Shipanga, the 22-year old Grade 12 learner who went into a local retailer, put on a pair of shoes worth N$99.95 and tried to exit the store without paying, was slapped with a N$500 fine or two months in prison on Wednesday in the Windhoek Magistrate’s Court.

Shipanga elicited laughter from the court when he responded to Magistrate Justine Asino’s question of how much of a fine can he afford with the answer: “Can’t I just pay for the shoes”?

Asino did not deliver the usual pre-sentence speech and merely told Shipanga that he is sentenced to N$500 or two months. State Prosecutor, Samantha Diergaardt, did do the usual song and dance of shoplifting is a prevalent offence which shows no sign of decreasing and that stiffer sentences are necessary to deter would-be offenders.

While Shipanga said in mitigation that he stole the shoes because his were old and worn, Diergaardt had no sympathy saying the fact that one’s shoes are old is no justification for stealing. She said that what made matters worse is that Shipanga after being caught had N$100 on him to pay police bail. She recommended N$800 or three months’ imprisonment.


By Roland Routh