NABTA bosses at each other’s throats

Home National NABTA bosses at each other’s throats

Albertina Nakale

Windhoek-A war of words erupted this week within the Namibia Bus and Taxi Association (NABTA), with the current acting president of the association, Jeffrey Platt, accusing Vespa Muunda, the suspended president, of continuing to operate on the ticket of NABTA.

The fight, which reached fever pitch yesterday when Platt and Muunda went on to accuse each other of a host of wrongdoings, ranging from violating the association’s constitution, conducting illegal activities and defrauding NABTA members for self-enrichment.

NABTA is the country legally mandated association to regulate the public transport sector in Namibia. As a member-based association that regulates the public transport sector, it advises and liaises with the Transport Ministry on new public transport fares and taxi ranks for both short and long haul in trips.

Platt, who is the vice president, maintains that Muunda cannot be representing or acting on behalf of the association, as he was suspended last November. Platt says because of Muunda’s suspension, he (Platt) is now the acting president of the association.

Muunda denies being suspended, saying besides learning of this development through the media, he was never served with a suspension letter. The only letter of suspension that he came across, Muunda says, bears a fake rubberstamp and a forged letterhead.

“All honourable ministers and their respective ministries, all relevant stakeholders and the entire general public are informed that the president of NABTA, Vespa Muunda, is still on suspension.

“Muunda has undermined the NABTA constitution, as he continues to use the NABTA stamp illegally, as well as the official documents, which were in his possession before his suspension, which he failed to hand over and comply with the suspension conditions,” Platt maintained.

Platt also showed documents that he said offers proof that Muunda diverted N$12,000 of the association’s money into his personal bank account.

Muunda hit back, saying the N$12,000 was his own money that he paid to lawyers on behalf of the association in a case that involved Platt and Pendapala Nakathingo, NABTA’s secretary general. He alleged that the association had no available cash at the time and so he used his own money with the understanding that the association would refund him later.

Muunda then accused Platt of owing him N$10,000 that he borrowed from him in 2012 for a family emergency.
Platt also disputed the legality of Muunda’s role on the board of directors of the Motor Vehicle Fund (MVA).
“I want to make it clear that Nakathingo is the current board member to the MVA Fund board of directors and NABTA still has confident in him to serve as our representative, as per our submission, until the honourable minister determines the appointment of the new board,” Platt stressed.