
Nafinu Wants NHE Investigated

Home Archived Nafinu Wants NHE Investigated

By Staff Reporter


The merry-go-round of accusations and counter-accusations between the National Housing Enterprise (NHE), the Namibia Financial Institutions Union (Nafinu) and retrenched NHE staff continues unabated.

In a statement issued last Thursday, Nafinu announced that it has forwarded a request to Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) Director, Paulus Kalomo Noa, to investigate the NHE.

“This is a public institution, and we have every right to be concerned,” Nafinu General Secretary Asnath Zamuee said.

Nafinu added that it would be of interest to the nation for the ACC to investigate the NHE, with special emphasis on revenue leakages.

The ACC, among other things, needed to check the number of loans that are not on the NHE accounting system, and how many clients are currently staying in their houses free of charge.

“Mind you, Mr Hailulu will again blame this on the retrenchment and union. When will he take responsibility as CEO?” she asked.

The union again questioned the supposed savings on employment costs the NHE claims to have made resulting from the retrenchments.

Nafinu claimed the company is still using temporary staff, allegedly not qualified for the positions.

The old employment structure at the institution had 101 positions, while the new structure caters for 159, so how was the company going to save money if there is an increase in the number of employees?

The union further wanted to know whether the auditors had approved the 2005/6 financial statements.

June had already arrived, and it wanted to know whether there would be an audit for 2006/7.

Three of the NHE four loan accountant assistants were no longer in their positions, and the company allegedly retrenched the revenue accountant at one day’s notice.

“Are the financial records and reconciliations that used to be done by them up to date? Has the loan accounting at the bank been reconciled? We are talking about millions per month running through these accounts.”

The union further accused NHE’s CEO, Vincent Hailulu, of trying to belittle Nafinu and the NUNW.

“We are sorry to disillusion him, but the retrenched employees are still part of Nafinu and NUNW and went for legal assistance, as advised by the union. We have the full mandate from the workers and will continue to speak on their behalf,” she said.