
Nainda elected to Interpol executive committee 

Home International Nainda elected to Interpol executive committee 
Nainda elected to Interpol executive committee 

Deputy inspector general for administration at the Namibian Police, major general Anna-Marie Nainda was elected delegate for Africa on the 13-member executive committee of the International Criminal Police Organisation following a tough contest involving Egypt.

In the election, the three other contestants were Egypt, Ivory Coast and Kenya. Tunisia withdrew before the elections. The elections were held in Delhi, India during the just ended 90th Interpol General Assembly.

Nainda and Egypt’s Alaa Mohamed Ragab will represent Africa for a period of three years.

Speaking soon after her arrival, accompanied by inspector general Joseph Shikongo, Nainda said her election as an African delegate is critical for the continent as it helps fight trans-national organised crime, which is a global threat.

Shikongo extended gratitude and appreciation to the international relations ministry for leading the campaign and making sure that all Namibian missions campaigned for the Namibian delegate.

He also extended his gratitude to SADC member states that unconditionally voted for Namibia as well as Interpol member states. 

“We congratulate and salute general Nainda who made us super proud as Namibians. She will surely represent Africa, Namibia and NamPol very well. We are proud of her achievement,” Shikongo said.

Interpol is the world’s largest international police organisation with a National Central Bureau in all 195 member states. It has seven regional bureaus all over the world. It was formed in 1923. Its motto is connecting police for a safer world. It is headquartered in Lyon, France. Kim Jong Yang is its president.