
 NAMAS honours surprises Doeseb

Home Art Life  NAMAS honours surprises Doeseb

By Selma Neshiko


WINDHOEK– “This is one of the unexpected surprises. I’m very surprise. When I’m being honoured like this than it shows that I’m on the right track and I’m satisfied,” says Axali Doeseb, the conductor of the Namibian National Symphony Orchestra and author of the Namibian national anthem, Namibia Land of the Brave.

Doeseb is receiving  the Lifetime Achiever Award tonight at the Namibia Annual Music Awards (NAMAS) after the NAMAS Executive Committee nominated him for his  commitment to the art of music.

When asked whether being credited with having composed the national anthem, Land of the Brave, was the reason for which he is being recognised, Doeseb says that he has been involve in more  events and has been helping local artists. “I’ve been coaching students, representing Namibia, contributing in the music industry and I think that is probably also why got me nominated. This is not the first time I’m being recognised, when I composed the national anthem I received monetary reward from the government and I was also honoured with a diplomatic Namibian passport,” he says.

Doeseb explains how his exploit with regards to the national anthem and the singular honour of composing this anthem come about. “There was an open request from the government to anyone who was interested in composing the national anthem and I took part in it. I went on a working trip, I asked people what they would like to hear in the national anthem and noted them down. I knew what was going on in and out of the country and most importantly I could speak the liberation language. I spoke to the lower level people as well as those in power and their contribution affected the outcome,” he says.

Namibian Independence has ushered in a new era of music. “I have worked closely with the Art Council and I could see the contribution the country was doing artistically but also a lot needs to be done to contribute more in terms of money and budget for artists in the country,” says  Doeseb, thanking the NAMAS for the honour and encouraging artists to put an effort in what they do to make their dreams come true.

NAMAS Executive Committee Chairperson, Tim Ekandjo, describes Doeseb as a musical beacon and guiding light of Namibian music.

“Doeseb’ s flourishing career and deep roots in contemporary, modern, traditional and fusion music is unmatched, his artistic mark and influence lies is evident in almost all music genre in our country,” says Ekandjo.

“It is only fitting that this year’s recipient should be none other than him, his mark in contemporary Namibian music industry is all over and to this day he still continue to play a greater role in nurturing, advising and composing music for various scores of Namibian society, it is absolutely joy for the NAMAS to honour and bestow the Lifetime Achievement Award on him at this year’s NAMAS,” Ekandjo says.

Doeseb’s vast musical knowledge and experience led him to become the first black Namibian music producer manning the Namibian Broadcasting Corporation (NBC)’s Music Makers Competition, which is the predecessor to the NAMAS.  He also produced tracks for some of Namibia’s greatest artists like Ras Sheehama, the late Jackson Kaujeua, Eric  Muundjua, Sharon Van Rooi and Pieter Josef !Auxab.

He represented Namibia and had chaired the committee that was tasked with the composition of the AU Anthem in Addis Ababa in Ethiopia. He also served on the panel that  composed the SADC Anthem. He is also the founder with co-founder Emil Keister of the Ugly Creatures music band, a pre independence pop, soul and gospel live Namibian band. As a sought after composers of note, Doeseb has helped composed various school anthems around the country.