
Namibia commends initiative to host Russia-African summit

Home Front Page News Namibia commends initiative to host Russia-African summit

WINDHOEK – Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Christine //Hoebes has commended Russian President Vladimir Putin for taking the initiative to host the first Russia-African Summit schedule for October in Sochi on the Black Sea.

//Hoebes speaking at the celebration of the National Day of the Russian Federation in Windhoek on Tuesday said the summit will provide an opportunity for Africa to enhance mutually beneficial ties, reshape diplomatic relationships and strengthen cooperation between Russia and the Africa Union (AU).

The idea to hold a Russia-Africa summit was initiated by President Vladimir Putin at the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) summit in Johannesburg in July 2018.  President Hage Geingob in his capacity as incoming chairperson of Sadc attended as observer at the BRICS summit in 2018.
The Russia-African summit according to media reports in that country is expected to be attended by roughly 3,000 African businessmen.

“As you know, the African Union’s blue print and master Plan to transform the continent through Agenda 2063, demands that Africa invest in education and capacity building, through which each nation can inculcate a culture of peace, equality, and sustainable development,” //Hoebes said.

Therefore, she said Namibia can never cease to express her appreciation to the Russian Federation for the continuous support in capacity building through providing scholarships, thus enhancing Namibia’s developmental programs.

//Hoebes also used the opportunity to announce that there are currently 120 students studying in  Russia, out of which 93 students will complete their studies in July 2019.

Furthermore, she said the celebration of the National Day of the Russian Federation is noted in the historical bond that exists between the two countries.

“This celebration comes a few weeks after the ceremonies of the 8th Session of Namibia-Russia Inter-Governmental Commission on Trade and Economic Cooperation in Windhoek that was held parallel to a successful Russian Business Forum,” she said.

/Hoebes said during the 8th Session of Namibia-Russia Inter-Governmental Commission on Trade and Economic Cooperation session, both sides identified a number of areas of cooperation in the sectors of aviation, mining, and energy, education and education infrastructure to mention but a few.

Meanwhile, according to The Guardian a British daily newspaper, Russia is seeking to bolster its presence in at least 13 countries across Africa by building relations with existing rulers, striking military deals, and grooming a new generation of “leaders” and undercover “agents”.

In a story titled “Leaked document revealed Russian efforts to exert influence in Africa” the newspaper said the mission to increase Russian influence on the continent is being led by Yevgeny Prigozhin, a businessman based in St Petersburg who is a close ally of the Russian president, Vladimir Putin.