
Namibia slips two places in global gender index

Home National Namibia slips two places in global gender index

WINDHOEK – Namibia dropped two places in the latest Global Gender Gap Index, although maintaining its second spot after Rwanda in sub-Saharan Africa. Namibia is ranked number two in Africa for gender parity according to the report of the World Economic Forum. 

Rwanda leads in Africa followed by Namibia and then South Africa.  Burundi and Zambia are in fourth and fifth place respectively. 

However, Namibia is ranked first globally alongside other 38 countries in closing its gaps completely on health and survival. In economic participation and opportunity, the country is ranked at 17 globally with more males in labour force participation at 67.4 percent while women are at 58.7 percent. Men continue to earn more than women in Namibia. 

On political empowerment, Namibia is at 24th globally.  Female representation in parliament is at 46.2% while male representation is at 53.9%. 

Only 20 percent of women are in ministerial positions compared to 80 percent of men in similar positions.

However, the country is ranked 32 in the world when it comes to education attainments. About 30.3 percent of females are enrolled at tertiary institutions compared to males who are at 15.3 percent. 

Figures also indicated that more females are enrolled in primary education at 96.2 compared to boys who are at 94.3 percent. In secondary education more females at 57.8 percent are enrolled than boys who are at 46.1. 

The report stated that the index ranking offers an effective means to benchmark progress and they are designed to create global awareness of the challenge that gender gaps pose as well as the opportunities that emerge when action is taken to reduce them. 

In addition, political empowerment scores are poor. In terms of parliamentary representation, globally women have secured just 25% of available positions, a figure that slips to 21 at a ministerial level. At this level there are nine where they have no representation. In the past 50 years, 85 states have had no female head of state.