
Namibian nomination for African Achievers Awards

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Namibian nomination for African Achievers Awards

Founder of Poiyah Media Ilke Platt has been short-listed and selected as an Honouree for the 12th Edition of the African Achievers Awards (AAA) under the “Emerging Public Relations Practitioner” Award Category. This year’s ceremony and summit, “Sustainable Development in Africa: through innovation, preservation and green energy”, is scheduled for 20 September 2022 at the UK Houses of Parliament, London, United Kingdom. 

The African Achievers Awards have consistently honoured African Achievers ranging from African leaders, young achievers, community builders to captains of industry across the continent. The awards ceremony has fast become established as one of the biggest gatherings of influential and global African achievers on the continent, and has been rated by FORBES Magazine as one of the most prestigious awards ceremonies on the African continent. 

According to Beldina Auma, Chair: Award Screening Committee, African Achievers Awards and former chair of the World Bank Group-IMF African Society, this award has been granted for the exceptional stride and contribution towards the public relations industry in Namibia. 

“AAA has partnered with top global reputation management firm Reputation Poll International (United Kingdom), for the 12th edition of the awards. Among the high points of the ceremony is the African Achievers Awards. This will be presented to Africans making a difference, while their stories will be projected to the globe. We are happy to announce to you that you are part of the few selected African achievers on that list,” she confirmed to Platt. 

This year’s AAA International Summit will include a broad range of discussions by top facilitators from Africa and Europe, bringing theoretical and practical experiences to guide on how various sectors can work together to promote sustainable development across Africa. Key stakeholders will include top organisations, donors, investors, policymakers and regulators. 

According to Platt, the award nominations were reviewed by the Award Screening Committee to ensure they meet eligibility criteria. “The advisory committee evaluated the top-ranked nominees provided by the Awards Committee, and recommended the award winners to the Governing Board for final approval. It is an honour to be acknowledged and once more allowing our Namibian work to reach global attention,” enthused Platt.