
Namibian Retail Charter to be implemented by 2015

Home Business Namibian Retail Charter to be implemented by 2015

WINDHOEK – An agency of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the Namibia Trade Forum (NTF), that aims to chart out the formation of Task Teams, their terms of references, as well as the guidelines for the development of the Namibian Retail Charter (NRC), says it aims to implement the Charter by the third quarter of 2015. This is as efforts are intensifying in what is widely regarded as an essential step to transform Namibia’s retail sector.

“We are currently in the development phase of the project. Preliminary consultations with relevant stakeholders in the retail sector (and affiliated sectors) commenced in July 2013 and have now been concluded. We are set to enter the negotiation phase as from October 20, 2014, and implement the Namibian Retail Charter (NRC) by the 3rd quarter of 2015”, said Lapitomhinda Hashingola
Communications and Liaison Officer of the NTF. According to Hashingola, the preceding consultative meetings aimed to ensure broad sector participation and input and to reach consensus on the development of the NRC.
During a consultative meeting during June 2014, stakeholders endorsed the formation of three Task Teams (working groups) based on the goods classifications of Fast Moving Consumer Goods (Non-durables), Clothing and Apparels (Semi-durables) and Building material/Hardware (Durables). These Task Teams commenced their work on September 24, 2014, by holding their opening meetings during which Chairpersons were elected and the Terms of References refined and adopted.
Hashingola explained that the NRC is in line with the Ministry of Trade and Industry’s “Growth at Home Strategy”, which strives to transform the national economy. This strategy is guided by Namibia’s 4th National Development Plan (NDP4) as well as Vision 2030. “Once negotiated and adopted, the Namibian Retail Charter will be a transformation charter with binding targets. It lays out the principles upon which the transformation will be implemented in the Namibian retail sector. The Namibian Retail Charter thus entails aspects such as sourcing from Namibian manufacturers, increased awareness and demand for local goods, training and mentoring of previously disadvantaged Namibians, support programmes for local SMEs, opportunities for local ownership and control, no worse treatment of Namibian suppliers with regards to procurement procedures, terms of credits, and payment/rebate provisions. The Charter also looks at aspects such as consumer protection standards as well as social, economic and environmental responsibility”, remarked Hashingola.
He added that the NRC will stimulate local manufacturing, facilitate meaningful job creation, reduce unemployment, and will lead to changes in people’s cultured tastes, needs and their consumption patterns.
“What it really says is it that we need to advance our industrialisation agenda and aim for greater economic self-sufficiency. Evidently, we need the active participation of the relevant retailers. We can’t do it alone. We say: ‘retailers who support our developmental objectives are fine; and of these we have plenty of good examples. Those who don’t, are expected to come on board and cooperate’”, warned Hashingola.