
NamWater and Meat Board get new boards

Home National NamWater and Meat Board get new boards

WINDHOEK – State-Owned Enterprises and parastatals were warned to stay clear of any form of self-enrichment as they by extension represent the government and are thus accountable and subordinate to the Namibian state.

The warning came from Minister of Agriculture, Water and Forestry, John Mutorwa last Friday morning when he announced the new chairpersons and members of the boards of the Meat Board and NamWater.

At the announcement, Minister Mutorwa stressed the extreme importance of the livestock and water sectors, saying they are inextricably vital for developing and growing the Namibian economy to eventually achieve the major objectives of Vision 2030, which are a developed and industrialised Namibia.

Patricia Gurubes was appointed the new chairperson of the Meat Board, while Esther Akwaake is the new chairperson of the NamWater Board.

While congratulating the new chairpersons and board member of both companies, Mutorwa emphasised that government has put trust in each and every board member to guide, advise and steer the activities of the two boards in the right direction to move the country forward to enhance and successfully realise its socio-political and economic development agenda.

The members of the Meat Board are Maria Haingura, Magdalena Jesaya, Amon Kapi, Innocent Mahoto, Issaskar Mate, Dr Archibald Norva, Katrina Lugambo Shiningavamwe and Barbette Stöck.

The members of the NamWater Board are Bonita Rene de Silva, Pieter Francois de Wet, Michael Gawaseb, Barbara Gowaseb, Thaddius Maswahu, Dr Anna Matros-Goreses, Dr Elijah Ngurare, Hilde Jesaja, Gabriel Freyer, John Muremi and Moses Shakela.



By Deon Schlechter