
//Naobeb to part ways with NTB 

Home National //Naobeb to part ways with NTB 
//Naobeb to part ways with NTB 

Namibia Tourism Board (NTB) CEO Digu //Naobeb has confirmed that he informed the board that he no longer wishes to continue employment with the board.

He is looking at pursuing other career opportunities.

//Naobeb has been at the helm of the institution since 2007.

His contract will end on 30 June 2023; at the same time, the board’s five-year term will come to an end.

NTB chairperson Madeleine /Gôagoses on 9 January 2023, wrote to the environment and tourism minister Pohamba Shifeta informing him of //Naobeb’s expiring employment tenure as CEO and his intention to step down. 

“In good time, I am writing to inform the honourable minister about the end of the five-year fixed-term employment contract of Mr Digu //Naobeb, who holds the post of the chief executive officer of the Namibia Tourism Board. Mr //Naobeb notified the board that he does not intend to continue employment with NTB as he would be pursuing a long aspired career that he could not fulfill,” she said. 

On 20 January 2023 , Shifeta acknowledged receipt of the board’s notification. “Thank you for this submission and be assured that we will start the consultation and recruitment process well on time to ensure a smooth transition and continuity of the institution. Please accept the assurances of my highest consideration,” Shifeta responded.   

To ensure the smooth continuity of NTB operations, /Gôagoses said the board had resolved at its meeting on 8 December 2022 to commence with the recruitment process for the position of CEO soon. 

The board shall appoint amongst themselves the committee, which shall review and formulate both the long list and the shortlist. The board shall collectively approve the shortlist for the final interview process. Further, the board shall appoint the interview panel that shall be conducting the competency-based interviews.

Moreover, the board shall engage the services of a recruitment agency that will conduct background checks, reference checks, and aptitude tests, and coordinate presentations that shortlisted applicants will be doing.  

These are the procedures set and shall be the basis to determine the outcome of a suitable candidate.   

“This is done to ensure a robust and credible recruitment process. The board shall notify the honourable minister of the successful candidate whom the board shall appoint as per Section 11 of the Namibia Tourism Board, 2000 (Act No 21 of 2000) for approval. Please be assured of our continued support and commitment to the advancement of NTB’s operations to contribute meaningfully to the efforts of tourism recovery during post Covid-19 pandemic,” the board chair assured.