
Naris attends youth leadership camp in Berlin

Home Sports Naris attends youth leadership camp in Berlin

WINDHOEK – Brave Gladiators defender Stacey Naris is attending a two-week-long youth leadership camp in Germany, which focuses on the role of sports in community development.

Naris left for Germany earlier this month and is part of 30 young people from around the world, who are taking part in the youth leadership camp, which is organised and hosted by the National Children’s Football Alliance Movement, under the theme – ‘Developing community youth role models in the field of Sport for Development and Peace’.

“I’m really honoured to be part of this camp and I aim to learn so much from it. We are learning how to use sports to improve the livelihood of our young people and this is something we need in Namibia as well.” The 22-year-old Naris says her experience at the camp will also assist her in her role with the Galz and Goals project, as well the national team ahead of the October 2014 CAF Women’s Championships in Namibia. “As a volunteer for Galz and Goals I see this as an opportunity to gain more knowledge and to try to plough it back and contribute to the protection of our young ones, especially girls. Our communities are infested with drugs and alcohol and we need to give these young girls hope and the believe that they can be better and change the world.

“For our team, issues of improved team work and discipline can also add value,” Naris explained.

The course started on the 20th and will continue until March 30 in Berlin and participants are between the ages of 18-25 with 50 percent female and male participation. The purpose of the camp is to bring together youths who have the potential to be community leaders in the field of sport for development. The camp is both theoretical and practical in nature and provides participants with a toolkit on how sport can best be used to improve the social conditions in the participants’ home communities.


By STAFF Reporter