Query: What are public hearings and are members of the public allowed to participate in such hearings?
Response: Public hearings are meetings conducted by parliamentary committees to provide the members of the public with an opportunity to convey their views on draft legislation (bills) and issues of interest.
These hearings or meetings are “public”, and are thus open to any citizen, community group, interest group, NGO, government ministries, media, specialists, experts and other stakeholders.
Hearings are important methods of gathering information about bills or controversial policy issues. They can also be used to facilitate oversight of government’s activities within a committee’s portfolio. Hearings often assist the committee in gathering information about problems and possible solutions.
A committee will often ask for informed opinions (from academics, professionals, members of civil society) before deciding on an issue. Hearings also enable the committee to assess the strength of support for, or opposition to, a Bill.
– Momely Amushendje, Public Liaison Officer, National Council, Email: m.amushendje@parliament.na