
National Assembly reviews its rules

Home National National Assembly reviews its rules

George Sanzila


A validation workshop by the National Assembly on the draft standing rules and orders and internal arrangements and committee rules is currently underway in Swakopmund. 

The workshop, organised in partnership with the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) was officially opened by the speaker of the National Assembly, professor Peter Katjavivi yesterday.

Katjavivi noted during the opening that the workshop is aimed at reviewing parliamentary rules and procedures to ensure efficiency and fulfil the changing needs of the electorate. 

“As an institution working in partnership with the other two organs of the State, to ensure that citizens receive the best services possible, our operations, rules and procedures must be aligned to smoothen the execution of our mandate as the Legislature, this being, the core functions of parliament,” said the speaker.

He added that parliamentary procedures such as the rules and procedures for debates, motions and voting as well as internal arrangements of parliamentary committees needed to be improved in order to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the legislative process.

The workshop facilitated by an expert, which will conclude on Friday, includes members of parliament, management and staff. The speaker further used the occasion to pay tribute to Frene Ginwala, former speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of South Africa and Ray Auala, former professor at the University of Namibia (Unam), who both recently passed on.