
National Council resumes 

National Council resumes 

The National Council reconvened on Monday to review several Bills that were sent from the National Assembly for consideration.

These include the Electoral Amendment Bill, Marriage Bill, Property Practitioners Bill and the Road Fund Administration Amendment Bill.

The National Assembly’s ninth session of the Seventh Parliament is currently in recess, and will resume in the second week of August 2024.

During the opening of the National Council, Lukas Sinimbo Muha, the council chairperson, said the House of Review will also consider eight reports from the National Council Standing Committees and two inter-parliamentary cluster reports.

He noted that the thirteenth session of the sixth National Council will be in session for two weeks, and reminded the members of the immense responsibility and trust placed on them.

“Our duty is to serve with integrity, transparency and dedication for the common good.

Over the past sessions, we have made significant strides in addressing the pressing issues facing our nation. We have worked tirelessly to create policies that foster economic growth, social justice and environmental sustainability. However, our work is far from complete. The challenges ahead are so formidable, but we stand ready and encouraged,” Muha said.

He said the Council is committed to ensuring that matters of both national and regional concerns are included and addressed by reviewed legislation.

Meanwhile, Muha reminded Namibians to register to vote in the upcoming national elections.

“Elections are part of our democratic rights. For us to participate in this democratic process, a voter’s card is required. Therefore, all eligible voters should find time to register in order to exercise your democratic right during the November elections,” he said. -Nampa