
National Library and National Archives’ closure extended due to pandemic

Home Youth Corner National Library and National Archives’ closure extended due to pandemic

The National Library and the National Archives of Namibia, which have been closed for almost 10 months due to renovations and expected to reopen at the end of this month, will remain closed due to the pandemic.

Following the confirmation of two Covid-19 cases in the country by the Ministry of Health and Social Services on Saturday, the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture commended the closure of all libraries, resource centres, museums, schools, College of the Arts and all educational facilities for 30 days.

According to the press release from the line ministry, it has prioritised the renovation due to the frequent downtimes that have been experienced by both institutions; hence, the building is one of the projects that are being funded by the African Development Bank to the tune of about N$18.5 million.“The amount has been set aside to replace all of the water pipes, repair the fire sprinkler system, the electrical works and the overhauling of the air-conditioning system, amongst other repairs. The renovation process is very essential to ensure that the country’s documentary heritage is preserved for research and posterity,” stated the ministry.

The National Library is a public research institution mandated by the Namibia Library and Information Act, Act number 4 of 2000 to collect, preserve and promote access to its collection – nationally and internationally. It also serves as the only National Bibliographic Agency responsible for the allocation of the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) /International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) to publishers and authors of books, magazines or anything published in Namibia. 

– ashikololo@nepc.com.na