
Nauyoma, Amushelelo in fresh bail bid

Home National Nauyoma, Amushelelo in fresh bail bid
Nauyoma, Amushelelo in fresh bail bid

Activists Michael Amushelelo and Dimbulukeni Nauyoma have decided to try their luck with the courts once more in the hope of being released on bail pending the finalisation of their case.

The duo’s lawyer Kadhila Amoomo yesterday informed Katutura magistrate Niinja Hochobes that they would be bringing forth a new bail application based on new facts.

The hearing for the new bail application is scheduled to take place tomorrow.

During their appearance, Amushelelo and Nauyoma, alongside co-accused Lawrence Mwatile, Namibia Economic Freedom Fighters (NEFF) president Jan-Epafras Mukwiilongo, Emily Mununga, Annacky Amupanda, Risto Ithikwa, and Amushelelo’s wife Julieta Amushelelo, were informed that investigations are not finalised.

“There are outstanding statements that need to be obtained from some Chinese nationals. But there seem to be difficulties in obtaining the statements. However, it will be resolved by the next court date,” explained State prosecutor Emma Mayavero.

Thus, the court postponed the case to 28 July for the State to finalise investigations.

Amushelelo and his co-accused were arrested on 10 June and stand accused of public violence when they staged a protest against Chinese business owners, who they claim, are being allowed to sell counterfeit goods. 

The protests followed a revelation that the Namibia Revenue Agency (NamRA) destroyed counterfeit goods worth N$5 million imported from China. 

The goods were perceived to belong to locals.

The prosecution has since charged the group with counts of public violence, incitement to commit an offence, and assault by threat.

Amushelelo and Nauyoma were denied bail on 24 June after the court concluded that there is risk that the pair may continue to commit further offences if released on bail even if stringent conditions were to be attached. 

Furthermore, Amushelelo and Nauyoma committed the alleged offences whilst both are out on bail on other charges with conditions having been attached. 

Amushelelo and Nauyoma’s other six co-accused were released on warning.
