
NBC calls for radio drama stories

Home National NBC calls for radio drama stories
NBC calls for radio drama stories

The Namibian Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) is calling on storytellers, writers and producers to submit culturally-relevant and captivating radio drama proposals for its new venture, the Molelo Radio Drama Project.

Aspiring radio drama producers are thus urged to submit their proposals for radio dramas in Afrikaans, English, German, Khoehoegowab (Damara/Nama), Oshiwambo, Otjiherero, Rukavango, San, Setswana and Silozi.

The selected story concept will be developed into a 26-episode series of 15 minutes each for airing on the NBC radio platforms.

Genres include crime, comedy, action/adventure and romance. 

Part of the requirements is that the synopsis should be written in the preferred language, as well as English.

NBC director general (DG) Stanley Similo said the public is looking forward to entertainment on all facets of life.

Speaking on NBC’s daily round-up show, he said before there was television, there was radio, and he grew up listening to radio.

“We are excited to be bringing back something that has been there for a long time, and happy it will be entertaining and will give us all facets of what Namibian life culturally is,” he said.

Similo noted that the current genre of programming is extremely serious, and people want to laugh, cry and be happy to hear stories told in the languages they understand.

On the close relationship between language and culture, he said “one can’t divorce the two”.

“It is imperative to embed local languages being spoken and heard on NBC, given our mandate (to inform, educate and entertain). We must make people happy; we want people to tell their stories, and the NBC is the conduit through which it can be relayed.”

The DG added that depending on how the journey goes, they may have to bring more drama programmes on board.

Proposals should be written in English, and must be delivered to the NBC Radio Centre along Pettenkoffer Street in Windhoek North, or emailed to molelo.project@nbc.na


The closing date is 30 November.