
NCAA on course with air navigation services

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NCAA on course with air navigation services

The Namibia Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) has successfully managed to contribute to the promotion of aviation safety and security.

It has maintained the professional provision of the country’s air navigation services to airspace users. This is according to Ericsson Nengola, who ran the NCAA for the past 11 months in an acting capacity as executive director (ED). Last week, the NCAA appointed Toska Sem as substantive ED.  

At a recent ceremony to hand over the reins, Nengola said: “I strongly do believe I have steered the ship in the right direction, at an accurate speed without any accident. Of course the success was made possible by the NCAA management and staff who have continuously rendered the necessary assistance to me during my interim period as the head of NCAA.”

Nengola also thanked the NCAA board of directors for entrusting him with the acting capacity as an interim executive director. He stated that during his tenure at the helm of the regulatory authority, he learned a great deal about the Namibia civil aviation system. 

“Sometimes the atmosphere become so turbulent, but we, the NCAA team of management and staff managed to maintain the right course and the right heading. What I mean here is: In aviation we say ‘don’t drop the aircraft in order to fly the microphone; Fly it until the piece stops moving’. In my view, that is NCAA,” said Nengola. 

The outgoing ED also congratulated Toska Sem on her appointment; “I would also like to assure you that we will rally behind you and render you our full support to successfully achieve the regulatory authority mandate; which is: to administer civil aviation safety and security oversight in Namibia and the provision of air navigation services, in line with the Civil Aviation Act and in accordance with Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) prescribed by the International Civil Aviation Organisation