
NCCI to name and shame poor quality businesses

Home Business NCCI to name and shame poor quality businesses


The Namibia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI) has vowed to expose and shame business entities that provide poor quality service in an effort to get businesses to comply with and uphold the country’s status as a competitive service provider in Africa.

Poor service providers will be traced through mystery shoppers to be placed by the NCCI just to monitor how businesses serve customers, as well as by a quality service checklist to be filled in by customers to indicate how they deemed the service. Those consistently scoring low will be dealt with.

This was revealed by NCCI’s Chief Executive Officer Taraah Shaanika on Tuesday at the annual general meeting where new board members for the Tsumeb branch were elected.

Shaanika informed the board that quality service is one of NCCI’s four pillars to be achieved by 2020 in support of the Harambee Prosperity Plan, while other areas to be tackled are enterprise development, improving procurement policy in the private sector and improving public private dialogue.

“These four pillars are on the NCCI’s agenda for 2020… therefore collectively as NCCI we should work around the clock to ensure the deadline is met. We have to improve the procurement policy of the private sector by formulating new reforms to ensure the private sector procures more from local SMEs, as well monitor them against procuring products from outside the country if they are available locally. By doing this we support SMEs and nurture them to grow,” stressed Shaanika.

He emphasised that for SMEs to grow there is a need for mentorship to guide them on how to conduct business as well facilitate them with financial means.