
Ndama massacre case postponed to November

Home National Ndama massacre case postponed to November

RUNDU – The case of Jesaya Gabriel Chuhunda, 20, accused of bludgeoning to death five family members on July 1, was postponed to November 23, and he will remain in police custody as the court subsequently denied him bail due to the seriousness of the crime.

Chuhunda yesterday made his second court appearance on five counts of murder, as he stands accused of having killed his grandmother 77-year-old Ndongo Ntumba, his biological mother Ndara Elizabeth, 46, and his nephews Musenge Petrus, 6, Daniel Hausiku, 4, and Musenge Elifas, aged 3, a mass killing whose scale of brutality shocked Rundu residents and the entire nation.

His case was postponed for three reasons – for further police investigations as investigations are still incomplete, for him to acquire a legal representative and that he still needs to be sent for mental observation. Jesaya appeared before Magistrate Sonia Samupofu while Shivolo G prosecuted.

There are allegations of suspected police negligence as the suspect was reported to the police who seem to have failed in their duties as they did not act on the initial report and only sent a fleet of 12 vehicles after Chuhunda had reportedly committed the horrendous crime.