
Ndapanda’s Travels – Happy holidays!

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Ndapanda’s Travels – Happy holidays!

The year coming to an end is symbolic of so many things.

For many of us, it means a well-deserved vacation. 

I mean, did we not participate in the Gondwana Collections and NWR Black Friday specials? 

For those who have safe spaces at home, it likely means going back home to be with family, and partaking in a thread of festivities. 

For others, year-end may even mean new opportunities: new jobs, the start of a new business, or perhaps relocation to a different town or country – maybe even continent!

Endings read just as beautifully as beginnings to me – a time to really look back and reflect, asking questions such as: ‘What were the plans/goals I had jotted down for the year?

How many of those have been achieved? How many did not come to fruition?

What was the reason? Do I continue to pursue these said goals?

What do I do differently for a more fruitful outcome the second time around?’

A year is long, and if you are anything like me, your brain often fixates on where you failed, rather than where you excelled. 

It is such a dangerous habit. Do not worry; I would not be Namibian if I did not jot it down as a resolution for next year – far be it for me to start working on myself mid-year.

In terms of travel, I definitely feel like I have failed this year.

I had, at the beginning of the year, already shared that I would be doing a lot less of it, but it does not feel any less like a failure. Life got so busy!

So, where to from here?

My editor said something very simple – when he called to ask for his column yesterday (laugh with me).

‘Let’s end this year with a bang!’

And you know what? That is what we will do.

If you are vacationing this festive season? Go all out. 

Order a mojito, if that is what your heart desires. Get yourself a bottle of wine to celebrate surviving a difficult work environment. Or have you always wanted to get on a jet ski? What is stopping you?

For those who will be seeing family, show up with a gift this year, and make the family Christmas brunch to remember, or spend an afternoon under the tree with the old folks; they appreciate the small gesures.

Do what makes you happy within the bounds of your budget.

Remember, we will still have January 2024 to deal with.

It was a beautiful year.

I look forward to more travels with you in 2024.

Should you want to collaborate, make travel bookings or simply connect, here is how to reach me.

Instagram: @__ndapanda

Twitter: @__ndapanda

Facebook: Ndapanda Haininga