
Ndeitunga concerned about discipline

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Ndeitunga concerned about discipline

RUNDU – Outgoing Namibian Police chief Sebastian Ndeitunga during the closing of the weeklong police conference said he is concerned about the deteriorating level of discipline among members of the Namibian Police Force, he told commanders at the just-ended Namibian Police Force Senior Command Conference at Rundu.

“As commanders, you should provide leadership in your respective regions and oversee that supervision and control of members on the ground is strengthened at all levels at all times,” he said.

The high-ranking officers last week deliberated and interrogated strategic issues on matters of concerns affecting the force, particularly those who have negative influence on crime.

“We were able to review progress on the implementation of our last senior command’s resolutions. To this effect, I can proudly announce that out of 292 resolutions that were passed in our last senior command conference, 160 were fully implemented, which is a 55% implementation rate,’’ Ndeitunga noted.

Ndeitunga indicated the resolutions that were not implemented were overtaken by time, but he was, however, satisfied with the level of the implementation of their resolutions. 

“However, there is still a need to do better and improve on the current pace of implementation,” he said.

During last week’s command conference, 19 resolutions were passed. 

“Most of the resolutions were crafted in a way that their implementation can be achieved and easily measured – and as a result, we will be able to improve and advance our work performance in a much more effective manner. However, implementation will require allocation of resources; hence, we look forward to working together with our business community and the public in overseeing that our programmes and activities towards combating crime are realised,” he said.

Towards the end of the conference, Ndeitunga and the team went out to give donations to identified families living in harsh conditions.

“In 2015, the NamPol established a charity fund, whereby all officers who are in management make a voluntary contribution of a N$100 monthly or a yearly amount of N$1 200 to the fund,’’ he noted. 

The police donated to three families groceries, matrasses, buckets, school uniforms and blankets.

“The aim of this fund is to assist the identified orphans and vulnerable members of any given society with donations, and such donations are frequently handed over to such people in areas determined where and when the NamPol is hosting a Senior Command Conference – in this case, here in Kavango East,’’ he said.

The donation, amounting to N$39 863.49, was handed over to three families living in appalling conditions at villages on the outskirts of Rundu, one from Kayirayira village and another family at Ndama – both in the Rundu Urban constituency.

 The third family was from Mazana in the Rundu Rural constituency.