
NDF warns against ‘assassination’ threats

Home Front Page News NDF warns against ‘assassination’ threats

WINDHOEK – Air Vice Marshal Martin Kambulu Pinehas, who is also acting Chief of the Defence Force (CDF), has warned certain individuals who are allegedly inciting political violence against newly-elected President Hage Geingob.

Pinehas, during a media briefing yesterday on the security situation in the country after the Presidential and National Assembly elections, said the Force is particularly disturbed by declarations that since their candidates did not win, they would resort to unconstitutional means such as the assassination of the president.

He revealed that other political threats include the storming and burning of the State House, launching civil war, blocking of roads, and sabotaging of government installations and key national installations.
On the evening of the national elections, the NDF had assured the nation that Namibia’s security was elevated to the highest level.

“The elevation became imperative following incitements of violence and chaos, and threats of assassinations and civil war by certain individuals or groups using  social media, Pinehas noted.
There have also been audio clips on social media by some people, claiming to be ‘members of the NDF’, who want to forcefully remove the president from office.

When questioned whether Pinehas is aware of the situation that some NDF members also allegedly want to unseat the president, he said they are not aware of such allegations, adding “I do not know those people.”

Asked if they are people who are currently under investigations for the mentioned political threats, Pinehas said it is the duty of the police to investigate, but he sternly warned that the security level remains elevated until further notice. 

He vowed any unlawful act of violence which causes loss of or threatens the lives of the Namibian people destroys government and individuals’ properties, restricts the movements of the Namibian people, renders government ineffective in the provision of goods and services, and threatens the integrity of the state; therefore, it deserves an appropriate response from the NDF.

He indicated that although Article 21 provides for the fundamental freedoms including freedom of speech and expression, freedom of association, freedom of movement and other freedoms, the same article in sub-section 2 provides that such freedoms must be exercised subject to the law of Namibia.

According to him, the force is aware that the advocates of violence are planning to replicate the Orange revolution and the Arab Spring in Namibia. “We have seen how such types of revolutions have devasted countries in Eastern Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. We are also aware that such types of revolutions are always backed by foreign agencies who are eager to capture the economies of the states concerned. We cannot, therefore, allow our country to descend into chaos due to self-serving individuals who do not have the security of our country at heart,” he cautioned.

Pinehas, therefore, called upon those who are spreading rumours and propaganda with the intent to cause division amongst other people to achieve personal objectives above those of the collective to stop immediately. Moreover, he urged all peace-loving Namibians to distance themselves from the advocates of violence and abide by the national laws and the fundamental principles guiding democracy.
Equally, he encouraged all political leaders to call upon their followers, supporters and sympathisers to embrace peace and harmony in Namibia.

Contacted for comment, Namibian Police Inspector General Sebastian Ndeitunga was not available, saying he was in meetings.