
Nekongo accuses journalists for being unethical

Home National Nekongo accuses journalists for being unethical

Aletta Shikololo

WINDHOEK – The Secretary for the Swapo Party Youth League (SPYL) Ephraim Nekongo has accused Namibian journalists for lacking ethics, singling out The Namibian and Namibian Sun newspaper. 

At the press conference, which took place at Swapo headquarters on Tuesday, Nekongo complained, “It is unfortunate that we have unethical and politically centered journalists who connive with anti-Swapo formations to distort facts about Swapo Party propaganda articles.”

“Some of these journalists and editors are on anti-Swapo Party WhatsApp groups, and it is a pity they are painting a dark colour against the desired journalism good image. Some private media houses especially The Namibian and Namibian Sun do house some unethical journalists,” Nekongo further complained, before calling upon the Namibia Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) and New Era newspaper management to enforce media ethics among their journalists.

The press conference was aimed to tackle some pertinent and contemporary issues affecting the country and by default the Swapo Party. 

In reference to the alleged questions casted by some media about perceived “division or lack of unity” within the Swapo Party pertaining to the succession to the country’s presidency, Nekongo commented that, “The succession issue is very clear in the Swapo Party constitution as well as in the Swapo policy on elections.”

“We have a congress coming in 2022 at which the Swapo rank and file will exercise their democratic right to decide on that. As it stands, our President is Hage Geingob, our Vice President is Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah, Secretary General is Comrade Sophia Shaningwa and our Deputy Secretary-General is Marco Hausiku, nothing more and nothing less,” he stressed as he further encouraged Swapo members to avoid being derailed and defocused.

“Let us occupy ourselves and campaigning for our party to win the upcoming Presidential and Parliamentary election, come November 2019,” he advised. 

On the issue of the independent candidates, which got tongues wagging in the country, Nekongo mentioned that particular issue has been sufficiently dealt with, therefore he is reiterating the principle stance that independent candidates should never be tolerated within the rank and file of the party. 
Nekongo requested the party’s higher decision-making bodies to take appropriate actions against the independent candidates or hibernators and agents.

“They are known, they are all over social media defending and promoting their agenda, the party must act now. Comrades, we call on the Swapo leaders and structures responsible to act against these undesirable elements in the party and expel these hibernators,” Nekongo complained.

Nekongo also mentioned that the nation including members of the media do not appreciate the government efforts in implementing changes but instead they focus on bad publicity to tarnish Swapo and its leaders.

He requested the nation not to be divided by the leaders promoting division among people.
He said that the country is faced with a bad virus of tribalism, something which the nation needs to wipe out and unite under the motto: one Namibia, One Nation.