NEPC shelves weekend edition

Home National NEPC shelves weekend edition

Staff Reporter

Windhoek-New Era Publication Corporation (NEPC) has discontinued publishing its weekend newspaper, New Era Weekend, with effect from this week.

The paper, popular among consumers of in-depth analytical news, was shelved as NEPC realigns its editorial and commercial priorities in a challenging Namibian newspaper industry.

“We have been very careful in our approach from the word go to ensure that whatever the future held for this product, it would not impact the future of our staff members,” said NEPC chief executive officer Dr Audrin Mathe.

“The key elements of the weekend paper will be incorporated in our daily New Era newspaper so that our readers continue to enjoy the insightful news they had come to associate the weekend newspaper with,” he continued.

Mathe said NEPC would continue to publish its weekly Oshiwambo language newspaper Kundana and – of course – New Era.