
Nestor Flybek, is he destined the new kid on the block?

Home Time Out Nestor Flybek, is he destined the new kid on the block?

EENHANA – Every once in a while, a fresh face bounces into the entertainment industry.

In the majority of instances, this new face often changes the landscape of the industry, giving those who have been there before tougher time. Nestor Flybek, real name Andreas Nestor, is one such new bloke on the block.  The 23-year- old is proving a force to reckon with and promises to change the entertainment landscape here in the North.  Nestor Flybek is now compared with other leading Kwaito artists  like Mushe, The Dog and others on the Namibian Kwaito music scene.  But the young kwaito artist is quick to point out that the only similarities between him and other local Kwaito musicians is the fact that they are all inspired by most of the South African kwaito artists  like Arthur Mafokate, Mandoza and Bricks. “I get that from a lot of people,” he explains

The Omushimani native is an energetic performer who often leaves the audience speechless.  He reveals what sets him apart from other entertainers is the fact that he is energetic, charming and respectful, and that people can see fire and passion that he has for his Kwaito music in his eyes. “I love what I do and Eenhana town should expect a new single with a video to be released early November.  I dedicate the single to Eenhana, popularly known as the “Green Town”.  The song is also meant to promote tourism in our green town,” says he.

Tracing his footprints in music, it turns out that his love for music first begun in primary school when his teachers would often give him the platform during assembly time.  Soon thereafter, he realised that music was something that he loved and wanted to pursue professionally.  And that is how he recorded some songs from his debut album, Back up Plan  under Shafodino Records  with DJ Didy as producer.  It seems most revelers and event organisers have been impressed with his stage work, hence his invitations to most of the events and functions in Eenhana.

“I have performed [at] many shows here in the North.  Eenhana Business and Trade Expo 2014 and the upcoming Helao Nafidi Business Expo this month end, Miss Ondobe 2013, Miss Okapya and many other events where my songs have been received very well by revellers,” he says. His “Eenhana Town” song video to be released early November will feature some of the upcoming Kwaito musicians from the North such as LMT and Alaquad.   His is now working on the logistics of the video to be produced by Eagles Film Technologies.  He also has a T-shirt label called Nestor Flybek and plans to launch his music production as time goes on.He explains that he wanted to be certain about what he was doing. “I take everything one step at a time,” he says

He is also quick to point out that music is different as it has a message that his listeners can take home.  Instead of writing songs that fans can just enjoy without taking anything from them, he wants to give them lessons that they can use in their lives. “Music should be about the message in the songs and the video for Eenhana Town song is mainly aimed at promoting the town with its green vegetation in nature,” he says

As for his future, he now intends to study Sound Engineering or a course to do with music production.  When he is not in front of the microphone in the studio, he chills home by watching television and works fulltime at PEP Eenhana store.