Never stop learning

Home Focus Never stop learning

So you finished your university degree and got that job you’ve been hoping you’d get one day. Is that it? It certainly isn’t. 

I’ve observed that many times, most graduates do not go back to school to expand their knowledge after they get their first job.

When I graduated the first time, most of the speeches I got included “may this be the first of many to come” and initially, I did not put much thought into it until I went back to university for a Post-Graduate Diploma, which I completed in 2017. 

This diploma made me realise the importance of short courses and how they can shape your reasoning and understanding of aspects happening in your sector. 

I am currently busy with another diploma and I can tell you this, school is much more fun when you understand the context and I get to learn about what I am doing daily.
What I have realised is that degrees are too general and they prepare us to work in any sector/country and don’t get me wrong, it is a good thing, no doubt, however, short courses such as diplomas and certificates are specific and focus on the nature of a specific sector/country. 

Let’s be practical, in a degree class, you will be taught about ethics on what is right and wrong, whereas in a diploma class, you will learn about the specific Act that backs up ethics, how it came about and how you can apply it in your day-to-day work-life. 

This is just one example, short courses are very specific and that is their most importance. 
I highly suggest that to make sure that you are fluent in your sector take up that six months course, one-year certificate, and take up a two years diploma. 

There is more you can learn from these short courses and it will be amazing to learn about things you are currently practicing at work which will also enable you to cover the gaps that you were not even aware existed within your practice. 

There is no limit to learning and employers are looking for people who are continuous learners, there are new trends and changes to the traditional way of doing thing in the sectors and workplace at large, it is our responsibility as employees to make sure that we are updated with these new changes.

If you are fortunate enough, the organisation you work for can fund your studies (inquire at HR), so all you have to do is show up.
Challenge yourself to take on a short course in 2020 by starting your application process now.

*Tuuda Haitula is a Human Resource (HR) practitioner. The views and opinions expressed herein are purely his.