
New //Kharas governor no stranger to politics – Mumbala

Home National New //Kharas governor no stranger to politics – Mumbala

Steven Klukowski

KEETMANSHOOP – Swapo Party regional coordinator Mattheus Mumbala says newly-appointed //Kharas regional governor Aletta Fredericks has been groomed through the party’s ranks and structures and is, thus, not somebody who was appointed from outside.

“She is ready for her new role as a vibrant, young cadre who rose through the party structures from humble beginnings as a section secretary to becoming a political head of //Kharas region,” he explained. Mumbala went on that Fredericks used to act on his behalf whenever he was out of office; thus, she was already running party politics at a high level in the region.
“As regional administrative and political leadership, as well as the region as a whole, we must support our governor and provide her with needed advice,” he stated.

The party regional coordinator continued that Fredericks’ appointment demonstrates President Hage Geingob’s commitment towards appointing youth into leadership positions, thus addressing the issue of generational change. 
“It can, in addition, be regarded as progress being made towards the implementation of a 50/50 zebra-style balanced structure in the governance of Namibia,” Mumbala emphasised.

Referring to previous //Kharas regional governor Lucia Basson, he expressed his appreciation for her accepting and understanding the dynamics of politics. “She has furthermore during her term revived dormant projects lying idle, like the garment-and-furniture manufacturing ones.” Mumbala said through this, she was instrumental in creating much-needed employment opportunities and stimulating the economy of the //Kharas region.

Basson, he noted, always has the plight of the most vulnerable persons of the region at heart during her reign. “One has to commend her for what she achieved during five years and understand that she could not complete all capital projects due to austerity measures implemented by government,” he concluded.  
– sklukowski@nepc.com.na