
Ngato VTC unveils handwashing instrument

Home National Ngato VTC unveils handwashing instrument

Shoki Kandjimi 

Rundu – To curb the further spread of the novel Covid-19 pandemic, founder of Ngato Vocational Training Centre (VTC) Fernando Kaushiwetu and his students recently developed a locally-made handwashing instrument to sanitize hands.

The innovative handwashing instrument was made at a time where government encourages people to constantly wash their hands with soap to flatten the curve of the pandemic. The instrument is made up of a metal drum with a 20-litre bucket to carry water, another that is used to drain the water and a tap is attached to it to allow the flow of water. 

On the sides, the instrument has two pedals, of with one is connected to a bottle of liquid soap and the other to the tap that allows the water to flow. Once you step on the pedal, the soap is realised and then you step on the other pedal to allow the water to flow.  
During the presentation of the instrument to the governor of Kavango East, Kaushiwetu said the idea was inspired by the way people were washing their hands at shopping centres. According to him, when people entered a certain shop, they would only sanitise one hand while holding other things on the other hand.  

“My idea was to come up with a mobile instrument that will allow people to wash their hands effectively without touching the surface of the instrument and only making use of their feet when you step on the pedals,” Kaushiwetu said. 
Kaushiwetu also pointed out this instrument is a unique way to wash hands.

He further noted the instrument can be resized to accommodate children. The instrument can be placed at busy shopping centres, hospitals and at places where people are likely to gather in big numbers. 

On his part, Kavango East governor Bonifatius Wakudumo applauded the founder of Ngato VTC and students for the innovation that aims to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus pandemic. 

He also said such innovative ideas should be commented and welcomed because the world needs solutions for this global pandemic.
“I am very happy to see that young people within the Kavango East region are coming up with initiatives of this magnitude to contribute towards the fight against Covid-19. This is a step in the right direction,” Wakudumo said. 

He urged the local businesses and government entities to support this noble initiative. At the same occasion, Wakudumo committed himself to purchase the instrument, which will be placed at his office.  
– Shoki.Kandjimi@mict.gov.na