Nghixulifwa and allies ‘illegally’ heading boxing board … blame line ministry for their overstay

Home Featured Nghixulifwa and allies ‘illegally’ heading boxing board … blame line ministry for their overstay

WINDHOEK – The Namibian Professional Boxing & Wrestling Control Board (NPBWCB) long-serving chairman, Kelly Nghixulifwa, yesterday leapt to his own defence after damning allegations inculpating him of ‘illegally’ heading the boxing board surfaced.

A New Era Sport investigation discovered that Nghixulifwa and his henchmen, consisting of Ellison Hijarunguru, Ambrossius Kandjii, Dr Shitaleni Herman and prominent local lawyer Slow Murorua, have for over the last four months illegitimately been heading the professional boxing board.

The 5-member board’s 3-year term initially expired in August last year but was extended until July this year by the Ministry of Youth, National Service, Sport and Culture. Upon expiry of their extended stay in July, the Ministry however was yet to pronounce itself on the matter, a scenario that left the board in disarray.

However, Nghixulifwa was quick to distance himself from the unfolding saga, saying the blame for their overstretched lodging at the boxing office should be put squarely on the shoulders of the portfolio Ministry.

“The situation can be blamed on a few changes that we were going through as an organization. We were busy compiling a few amendments to our constitution while implementing other policies as well. The Ministry was responsible for adopting those amendments before we could look into the process of appointing new board members but that whole process took long,” said Nghixulifwa.

“We have formally informed the Ministry that our term has expired and were ready to step down but were asked to remain put until the process of amending the constitution was done since we were obliged to assist the Ministry with the process because of our expertise in that particular area.”

Nghixulifwa has been at the helm of professional boxing for 14 years, notwithstanding section 25 (1) of the Namibian Sports Act of 2003, which states that a person may not hold office as a member of an executive organ of a national sports body or national umbrella sports body for a period exceeding 10 years. Section 25 (2) also disqualifies Nghixulifwa as a member of more than one national sports body at the same time.

Nghixulifwa’s role in amateur boxing

Nghixulifwa also doubles up as the president of the Namibia Boxing Federation (NBF), responsible for the country’s amateur boxers. He faces a similar problem with the amateur federation as his term at the helm of the federation also came to an end about a year ago.

Sources close to the federation say the NBF has not held a single elective congress during the last five years and accuses the NBF hierarchy of being illegally in office. The NBF elective congress is supposed to be held quadrennially, but Nghixulifwa is having none of that and blames insufficient funds for the delay. According to the boxing supremo, a new date has been set for the long overdue congress, slated for Otjiwarongo in the first week of December this year.

“On previous occasions, we had to call off congress because most of the regional members failed to pitch up citing lack of finances for accommodation and transport and that’s something. People don’t know the difficulties we are facing, all they do is just run to the media accusing us of corruption,” fumed Nghixulifwa.

The federation’s secretary general, Joe Kaperu, threw his weight behind Nghixulifwa, insisting the federation is in good health under the current leadership.