
Nine more traditional authorities seek recognition

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Nine more traditional authorities seek recognition

The chairperson of the Council of Traditional Leaders Immanuel /Gaseb has handed over nine applications for recognition to President Hage Geingob for his approval.

He was speaking to journalists on Tuesday at the State House shortly after he met with the President.

President Geingob again expressed concern over the mushrooming of traditional authorities in the country, saying his office is inundated with applications seeking recognition.

/Gaseb explained that although he only submitted nine application forms for recognition, requests for recognition are many.

“The application forms that I handed over to the President are only nine. But that is not all. So, there is a mushrooming of traditional leaders applying for recognition and we are busy assessing their applications,” he said.

He informed the President that each year, the council receives applications from traditional communities, which put a burden on the council because most of them do not meet the requirements.  

“It is a burden comrade President because the government is spending a lot of money to carry out investigations on the legitimacy of the recognition,” he explained.

The applications received by the President were deliberated during the 23rd annual meeting of the Council of Traditional Leaders which forms part of the report also received.

The applications are of  Muhona Katiti, Ongava, and Kai! A Khoe San, Haub-San Hai//Om, Xoms  Khoen  Hai//Om  San community, //Go-AiKhoen, Kokara Hai //Om San, Ondanga and Naro traditional communities. 

The report for last year’s meeting focuses on nine applications for recognition that requires the consideration of the President in terms of section five of the Traditional Authorities Act.

The chief assured the President that all applications referred to the council were considered based on their merits and demerits for recommendations. 

The Urban and Rural Development Minister Erastus Uutoni assured the President the comprehensive report has no major issues and contained everything discussed during the meeting.

Geingob applauded the traditional communities for entrusting the leadership to resolve traditional matters culturally and traditionally.

“At least traditional matters can be resolved by the council. In a traditional way and culturally. I always emphasise that there must be a way to resolve matters traditionally,” he explained.