NIPAM signs MoU with PE CEO’s Forum

Home National NIPAM signs MoU with PE CEO’s Forum

Onesmus Embula

WINDHOEK – Establishing a framework for cooperative institutional relations to promote cooperation in the area of mutual interest is the focus of the first ever memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the Namibia Institute of Public Administration and Management (NIPAM) and the Public Enterprises CEO’s Forum.

Speaking at the signing ceremony in Windhoek yesterday, NIPAM Executive Director Maria Nangolo said the MoU “will guarantee systematic cooperation in the areas of capacity building as well as exchange of best practices in the area of training and development”. Chairperson of the Public Enterprises CEO’s Forum Dr Audrin Mathe, who signed the MoU on behalf of PE CEO Forum, said public enterprises which are also an extended arm of government find harmony in working together with public institutions with the same mandate of service delivery.

Nangolo said that NIPAM through its mandate of training will be focusing on training not only shareholders but also boards of directors, adding that “it is essential for people to be equipped with the right knowledge, skills and attributes to be able to lead these parastatals and public enterprises”. 
Nangolo said another component would be the training of CEOs. 

“There is a need for CEOs to understand different dynamics and landscapes especially in the political sphere and when dealing with boards of directors,” she said. She also said NIPAM is considering to broaden the SOE training base to ensure, among others, “capacity building for boards of directors, community best practices and cross fertilisation within SOEs”.

On the scope of cooperation, the two parties agreed to cooperate in public enterprises’ support of NIPAM in sending staff for capacity building, NIPAM provision of office space for the PE CEO Forum Secretariat at reasonable consideration and joint participation in research activities of common interest in the field of public administration.

Both parties showed their optimism in the implementation design of the MoU, signed for a period of five years, and which may be automatically extended on an annual basis, unless either party decides to terminate it.