
No education but making a living

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No education but making a living

TSES – Despite having no formal education or vocational training, a 38-year-old man is making a living as a self-taught mechanic in his village of Tses, //Kharas region. 

Gregorius Aribeb, a father of two, earns roughly N$3 000 a month from assisting local people fix their vehicles and those who break down on the road.

“My uncle used to do mechanical work in Keetmanshoop – and through assisting him, I gained a lot of experience, making it possible to repair vehicles from my home here, in Tses,” he told New Era.

Aribeb said with the income, he is able to keep his children in school and take proper care of them.

“The only challenge I am facing is the inadequate space in my yard; hence, I can only attend to one car at a time. But I always make sure that customers do not come back to me with unsatisfactory work carried out,” he said. 

Aribeb noted that from time to time, he takes in unemployed youth to train them, but most of them do not stay long, as they start demanding payment. 

“My biggest wish in life is to obtain a technical qualification as a mechanic. I have already approached the Tses village council for a grant in order to study at a vocational training centre, and I am now waiting on them,” he said.

Although mechanics is his passion, Aribeb said some people take advantage and opt not to pay him for his services. 

–  sklukowski@nepc.com.na