
Nored declares N$7m dividends to stakeholders

Home Archived Nored declares N$7m dividends to stakeholders

Loide Jason

Ongwediva-Northern Electricity Distribution Company (Nored) has declared dividends of N$7 million to its stakeholders for the year ended June 30, 2016.

The announcement was made by the Nored board of directors chairperson Sacky Kayone at the company’s 14th annual general meeting held at Ongwediva in Oshana Region yesterday.

Kayone said the year under review has been a busy one that was not easy due to various challenges in the electricity supply sector in SADC region. But hard work is beginning to pay off as they have built an even stronger company, he added.

However, despite various achievements Nored admitted its safety performance was not acceptable due to loss of lives along networks during the period under review.

“A six-year-old boy died instantly at Mpora village in Kavango West Region last year while playing with illegal wire supply between two houses,” revealed Kayone.
In addition, a 13-year-old boy lost his life at Okahenge village in Ohangwena Region while playing under a tree. He touched a live conductor.

Also, an 11-year-old boy was seriously injured when he got an electric shock at Onahenda village in Omusati Region after he touched a live wire.

But Kayone said the electricity distributor continues to perform well through implementation of the performance management system. The company continues to meet the government halfway in job creation as its staff complement is growing rapidly and stood at 230 during the period under review, he added.

“In the same vein Nored prioritised the training of staff members in order to be able to deliver efficient and effective services to its customers, and a total of 85 employees from different departments attended various short courses,” elaborated Kayone.

Furthermore, Nored invested in the development of infrastructure to strengthen and improve the reliability and quality of supply of its network.

Kayone said that among the challenges is the continued theft of copper wire, which disrupts power supply.

“The north-west regions are faced with demand capacity constraints which will only be addressed when the transmission projects are completed by Nampower. Service delivery is negatively affected during flooding seasons, while vandalism of network infrastructure by the public causes supply interruptions.”

Nored CEO Fillemon Nakashole said he was worried about the two deaths and injuries sustained during the period under review, but the company “is committed to turning the safety performance around”.