NPL election, a touch and go

Home Sports NPL election, a touch and go

Have you noticed that those who are generally vocal about the administration of our football are people whose bark is worse than their bite, forgetting that bad leaders are indeed, or rather indirectly, voted into power by those who don’t say anything when it’s crystal clear that basic rules are being sidestepped.

There is an urgent need for sports followers, notably football fans, to exercise their democratic right effectively because every confirmed individual (citizen) has a right to be heard and voice their displeasure, so to speak.
Since the majority, or rather the entire football fraternity, cannot vote for leaders as sadly prescribed by the rules and regulations governing the beautiful game – we are essentially denied a right to complain but of course we are free to air our views on certain aspects of the game that invite debate and scrutiny.

Whilst yours truly is overwhelmed, albeit reluctantly, that football bosses have finally buried the hatchet for the sake of the game – there are some fundamentals that need to be addressed.

For starters, in the corporate world, directors serving on the board of any company that gets liquidated cannot be allowed to sneak back through the back door – that’s my understanding.

If my recollection serves me right, the Namibia Premier League (NPL) Executive Board of Governors (BoG) and Management Committee (MC) were dissolved to pave the way for new members, subsequently leading to the election of new members.

Can somebody please tell me what is the difference between those removed club members who served on the MC and the decision-making BoG, the real Langanas?

Did I hear that all new members on the NPL Executive were unopposed? Well, that’s a bit weird to digest. Where in the world have you ever seen an election with members vying for positions unchallenged? I’m just wondering.
This brings me to the following conclusion: either there was no interest from potential entrants or there was some kind of intimidation in whichever form.

I have no doubts about the level of competence of the elected members – some of these blokes are no newcomers to football and the brothers have been in football structures for donkey’s years serving on the BoG, whilst representing their respective clubs.

But now tell me what is it that these men in blue suits will change which they could not achieve during the turbulent era of JJD?

In a nutshell, would I stand accused of being too critical and troublesome if one dares conclude that these blokes are in reality hypocrites and backstabbers because it’s now crystal clear that JJD’s efforts were effectively sabotaged by his trusted soldiers?

Now the fundamental question that needs to be addressed is: what is it that these men will do differently from the time they were in JJD’s administration? I’m just asking.

Obviously, we all want football to start but we should also not shy away from facts and naked reality.
Yours truly has never been one to shy away from confrontations just for the sake of getting into the good books of those who think they are bigger than football or the mere fact that they are involved in the game.

There should be consultations with all stakeholders looking for methods as to how we take our football to the next level starting with the league sponsors.

We can no longer afford to grant sponsors too much leverage in negotiations where they are given a free hand to dictate the terms of reference without the slightest input from the real McCoys of the game – in this case the affected clubs and players.

It’s about time that we roll out a good product and this can only be achieved through a competitive league that has the desired potential to attract fans through the turnstiles en masse. I rest my case.