
NSA to host statistical workshop in //Kharas

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NSA to host statistical workshop in //Kharas

Iipumbu Sakaria 


The Namibia Statistics Agency will be releasing economic statistics and hosting an economic statistics stakeholders’ workshop in Keetmanshoop this week. These events take place on 28 and 29 September 2022 respectively and the aim of the statistical workshop is to present and dissect latest economic statistics and engage //Kharas Regional Stakeholders. At the same time the NSA will be releasing its various reports, whilst in the south, inclusive of the 2nd Quarter GDP and Agricultural Bulletin. Presentations will be made with regards to a focus on the fisheries account, on economic dynamics in the country, price movements in the country with an additional focus on the south, as well as a presentation on trade statistics. This will be complemented by an analysis on the Survey on Business register. The stakeholders’ workshop will be addressed and graced by the Governor of the //Kharas region and other senior officials.  

The NSA, by law, must disseminate statistics to all stakeholders equally and without fear and favor. This means that statistics are released to the each and everybody at the same time, irrespective of their role in the development of the country. The dissemination aspect also gives NSA the mandate to ensure that statistics are not only disseminated from Windhoek but that they are taken to every corner of the country equally. NSA is proud that, where possible, the Agency can disseminate statistics and engage different stakeholders on the statistics released. 

Whilst in the NSA will also use the time in the south to engage the regional leadership and statistics producers. The NSA act mandates the institution to collect, produce, analyse and disseminate statistics. It is evident that statistics are not produced for the use of the NSA; no, it is for the nation, for all stakeholders to use these data to help themselves and make informed decisions to alleviate the socio-economic development of individuals and country. 

The NSA would also like to inform the nation that they are more than welcome to approach our offices, or via the email of info@nsa.org.na, when they require statistics for their personal or professional need. Statistics are for development and the NSA as the institution mandated to collect, produce, analyze and disseminate statistics is more than happy to provide these.  

The nation is further urged to keep abreast of statistical happenings in the upcoming month as there will be various reports and standards to be launched. There is also an exciting partnership with the Ministry of Urban and Regional Development that aims to close the gap on land and housing statistics in the country. More information on this will be provided in the next few days. 

The NSA would like to continue appreciating our statistical partners as without them it would be impossible to provide statistics for development. //Kharas region, the NSA is coming to Keetmanshoop and we will look forward to that engagement. 


*Iipumbu Sakaria is the manager of corporate communications at the
Namibia Statistics Agency.