
NSC promises bigger and better sports awards

Home Sports NSC promises bigger and better sports awards

WINDHOEK – The Namibia Sport Commission (NSC) yesterday officially launched its annual MTC NSC Sports Awards, where the crème de la crème in the Namibian sports fraternity will be rewarded during what is expected to be a glitzy shindig at the luxury Windhoek Country Club Resort and Casino on October 25.

Speaking at the launch yesterday, chairperson of the NSC Vivienne Katjiuongua said the commission has been burning the midnight oil to ensure that this year’s awards are bigger and better, adding that the appointment of a new panel of judges and the increment in winners’ purses are all testimony to the promised improvements of this year’s awards event. Katjiuongua announced that the commission decided to raise the winners’ prize monies as a token of recognition of the athletes’ commitment and dedication, saying the increment in purse monies is to assist the athletes to prepare and participate in other international events, while the increment would also act as an additional monetary incentive to celebrate their achievements.

MTC, who have been the headline sponsor of the prestigious awards for the last five years, have once again reaffirmed their commitment with a sponsorship of  N$400 000, which brings their sponsorship to N$2.5 million since coming on board as the main sponsor.

Katjiuongua further appealed to the corporate world to come on board and assist the NSC to award Namibia’s sporting heroes handsomely and also urged all sports codes to submit their nominations on time, in order to avoid unwanted errors. A normal ticket to the awards will cost N$300, while a table of ten will go for N$5 000 for corporate firms.

This year’s panel of judges comprise of Piet Du Plooy (chairperson), Carlos Kambaekwa (print media), Lesley Tjiueza (digital media) Talitha Jario (corporate business) and Patrick Haingura (government) and their term will run for two years. The closing date for the various sport codes to submit their nominations is October 8.


By Otniel Hembapu