
NTA installs N$90 million infrastructure at Nakayale and Valombola

Home National NTA installs N$90 million infrastructure at Nakayale and Valombola

ONGWEDIVA – The Namibian Training Authority (NTA) last week marked the commencement of the expansion of infrastructural development at both Nakayale and Valombola vocational training centres for a combined amount of N$90.7 million.

The ground-breaking ceremonies at both training centres were attended by the Minister of Higher Education, Training and Innovation Itah Kandjii-Murangi.

Kandjii-Murangi said the construction of new facilities at both centres demonstrates the government’s commitment to a robust and industry-driven domestic job creation agenda. 

She said the expansion of the centres is a response to the ongoing national and strategic macro-economic attempt to bring much-needed training services to the people and subsequently create employment opportunities.

“Creating jobs, and making sure they are the right jobs, will be how we lift people out of poverty; how we empower thousands of women and young people and how we develop a strong, secure and robust economy,” said Kandjii-Murangi.
Kandjii-Murangi challenged the centres to ensure that their training programmes are aligned to the much-required skills and competencies needed to propel industrialisation further in the country.

“Ensure that our industries in Namibia are equipped with the right individuals, who possess the right skills and attributes to compete in the changing and demanding markets that constitute our global economy,” said the higher education minister.
The minister further encouraged the centre staff to strive towards producing trainees who will add value to local products through manufacturing to reduce the hefty costs spent on imports.

In the same vein the minister urged the vocational staff to be brand ambassadors of technical and vocational education and training (TVET).

She said it is disappointing to note that TVET is still considered a getaway career for academically weak learners.
“Contrary to popular belief, technical and vocational qualifications can open doors to a rewarding life, whether through fixed employment in sought-after fields or through self-employment, where you can apply the knowledge and skills acquired towards a sustainable income and by creating employment for others,” the minister said.

At Valombola, a general electric and metal fabric workshop as well as proper change rooms will be constructed.
In addition, the institution will also strengthen its site services including road works, water drainage and sewerage reticulation.
At Nakayale, a general electric and building technology workshop and change rooms for the trainees will be constructed.
A water tank, a block of three classrooms plus a resource centre, site services including earth works, road works and water drainage and sewerage reticulation will also be constructed.