Nudo infighting laid bare… Kandorozu, Jahanika face expulsion

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WINDHOEK – Nudo is reportedly threatening to expel its former secretary-general Meundju Jahanika and the party’s constituency councillor for Okakarara Vetaruhe Kandorozu over allegations that the pair de-campaigned against the party during the just-ended general election. The latest threat follows last week’s suspension of three members. The suspended include Nudo council members Veneruru Korumbo and Mbamanovandu Tuamunika as well as ordinary member Venjona Katjimune. New Era has seen letters dated 6 December and signed off by party secretary general Josef Kauandenge in which the party gave Jahanika and Kandorozu 14 days to explain themselves as to why they should not be dragged before a disciplinary hearing for bringing the name of the party into disrepute. “We herewith inform you that we demand an explanation from you as to why we should not invoke disciplinary actions against you on allegations in relations to sabotage and bringing the name of the party into disrepute,” read the letter. “Our demand is based on the Nudo disciplinary code of conduct clause 1, which you bound to uphold at all times.” The party’s code of conduct clause 1 reads “All members, without exception; must abide by the constitution of Nudo, the rules, disciplinary code and other codes of conduct as adopted or amended from time to time”. Furthermore, Kauandenge in the letter, said the party is in possession of audio recordings in which the two are heard saying that they attended a “Nguramanga” meeting were a decision was taken for them to collect party members’ voter cards so that they cannot vote in protest of the party congress earlier this year which according to them [Kandorozu and Jahanika] was unconstitutional.

In a letter to Jahanika, the party is accusing him of having written to finance ministry executive director Ericah Shafudah and secretary to the National Assembly Lydia Kandetu, requesting them to stop the monies paid by treasury to political parties as per seats allocated in parliament. “Your afore-mention alleged anomalous behaviour did not only appear to have put Nudo into disrepute, but also have potential to amount to dishonesty, insubordination, insolence and violation of Nudo constitution,” the party said to Jahanika. Furthermore, Jahanika is implicated in an alleged bogus house transaction while he was secretary-general in which the party has allegedly lost N$270 000. Jahanika has in the past distanced himself from the allegation. Kandorozu allegedly participated actively on Dr Panduleni Itula’s (presidential candidate) WhatsApp group were he reportedly de-campaigned the party by telling eligible voters not to vote for Nudo. “Such conduct amount to insolence, dishonest act and a breach of trust,” the party said. The party further accused Kandorozu of having recorded WhatsApp audio recordings in their possession aimed at “imbedding a seed of division within the party”. 

Both Kandorozu and Jahanika acknowledged receiving the letters, and denied accusations leveled against them by claiming political witch-hunt. “I saw the letter, those comments are just malicious, and devoid of any truth. I have no further comment. Thank you,” Kandorozu said yesterday when contacted for comment. “I have received the letter, there is no truth in all those allegations, pure political witch-hunt,” Jahanika said.