
Nudo: Kauandenge gives up 

Nudo: Kauandenge gives up 

National Unity Democratic Organisation secretary general Josef Kauandenge will not be standing for the party’s parliamentary list in the upcoming elections. 

Kauandenge, who about two months ago also made a U-turn on his decision to vie for Nudo’s presidency position at the party’s planned congress, which ended in failure, said his latest decision is a result of the deteriorating relations and toxic environment within the party. 

“I have come to the conclusion that the internal party dynamics have been so contaminated to the extent that it will be impossible to
represent my people’s interest to the best of my ability, under this cloud of personality politics that borders on pure lies and fabrications, insults and at best, self-serving interest by some of the powers that be within our party. It is regrettable that our pre-occupation is rushing to be on that parliamentary list, but not about serving the people. It is rather about salaries and perks that one stand to get once elected to parliament,” he said. 

The seasoned politician further assured that his decision does not  mean he will stop contributing and advocating for Nudo’s interests and future. 

“I’m and will still remain your secretary general, and will do anything within my powers to assist the party, to campaign and make sure that as a party, we will have representatives elected to Parliament, come 27 November 2024.” 

He continued: “I detest the notion and arrogance of some people that think that simply because you are not on the list to parliament, the party must suffer. Some even go to the extent of calling Nudo members not to vote for the party because they are not in the leadership of the party, or on the parliamentary list. That is selfish, narrow-minded, egotistical, egocentric and arrogance of the highest order. The party is an institution that must stand the test of time.”

Kauandenge bows out a proud man, if his statement is anything to go by. 

“I have served my people as a Member of Parliament to the best of my abilities, and I cannot and will not go down in a mud-slinging match with other members as we jostle for top positions on the parliamentary list. I will rather allow others to serve our people in Parliament, as I did without entering into any contest…there is no reason for me to go join any other party at this point in time, as my party needs my assistance, whether I’m on the parliamentary list or not, especially so during these upcoming elections,” he added.  
