
Nurse advocates for quality healthcare education

Home Health Nurse advocates for quality healthcare education
Nurse advocates for quality healthcare education

Rutendo Zvidza has become a beacon of hope and excellence in the field of nursing education in Namibia. 

Having trained as a registered nurse in Zimbabwe, she has always harboured a passion for training nurses, firmly believing in the necessity of quality nursing education.

“A nurse must never take shortcuts. My motto is to ensure that patients are treated fairly at all times. No patient should die at the hands of a negligent healthcare professional,” she told Youth Corner

Upholding serious ethical standards in the running of her institution, Zvidza, a 38-year-old female from Zimbabwe, emphasised that quality healthcare is their utmost advocacy.

Despite facing misinterpretations as a young black woman advocating for honesty and strict adherence to ethical conduct, she remains resolute. 

“My nursing conduct does not allow me to accept shortcuts at the expense of innocent patients,” she affirmed.

Through the PMT Health Training Institution, which she leads, Zvidza has facilitated the training of 20 Namibian students on full scholarships, covering tuition fees and all examinations. 

The institution steps in to support students abandoned by relatives during their training, ensuring they complete their studies despite financial hardships.

Beyond education, she continuously contributes towels to various pediatric units in different hospitals, aiding less privileged mothers in keeping their newborns warm. 

This initiative is supported by PMT, which donates these towels to assist those in need.

Her commitment to the community extends to supporting individuals like Kriat Kamanga, who sustained spinal injuries after being robbed in the north. 

She assists him with financial aid and groceries, demonstrating her compassionate nature and willingness to provide for those in dire situations.

Employing 35 Namibians across three campuses in Windhoek, Rundu and Ongwediva, she also plays a significant role in the local arts scene.

 She has contributed to music videos by artists such as Tate Buti and Tequila (Keengolo), and works closely with DJ Siya to support local entertainment.

In collaboration with the Namibia Training Authority (NTA), she has successfully secured funding for an Occupational Health and Safety Qualification, benefitting 20 students from less-privileged families, who are now in their fourth month of training.

“I am a very straightforward and strict woman in power. It is not easy to control and monitor students to follow proper rules and regulations, especially in this nursing profession, where discipline is a virtue and a priority,” she said. 

Zvidza believes that in a foreign land, it is crucial to respect and adhere to the country’s policies. 

“I am generally misinterpreted for instilling order – but to build a healthier Namibia, students must be taught to follow the correct and truthful ways of doing what is expected from them. Patients are a priority and must be treated fairly,” she stated.