
Nurses home renovations commence

Home National Nurses home renovations commence
Nurses home renovations commence

The Ministry of Health and Social Services on Saturday announced that it has cleared two out of four blocks of the nurses’ home at the central hospital in preparation for building renovations.

This follows the ministry’s previous statement that it would carry out general repairs on the nurses’ home and doctors’ quarters, as these buildings are in a dilapidated state.

During an interview with Nampa at the national clean-up campaign in the Khomas region on Saturday, health deputy director of general services at Windhoek Central Hospital Mercia Tjavara emphasised that aside from health considerations, the campaign is aimed at promoting Namibia to become the cleanest country in Africa and worldwide.

“I am honoured and grateful to participate in the clean-up, as it is everyone’s social responsibility to keep the nation clean. We come from an African background that teaches us to clean up after our mess, thus discouraging littering,” Tjavara said.

At the same event, Nasilimwe Lubinda, a general cleaner at the ministry, expressed her satisfaction with her role in setting an example for the nation regarding cleanliness, stating that Namibia belongs to “all of us”.

Lubinda pointed out that some of the cleanliness issues at the health facility are exacerbated by the nurses’ home residents, who allegedly litter outside their windows and balconies, as they are not monitored, leading to their ignorance about the environment. Furthermore, it is alleged that residents of the two remaining nurses’ blocks did not participate in maintaining the cleanliness of their surroundings, even after being informed about the cleanup activity by the ministry.

Womba Nashiwaya, a member of the Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, expressed her regret that not all Namibians participate in cleaning campaigns like these and emphasised that, as a Christian, it is her responsibility to keep God’s creation as clean as possible.

– Nampa